english | deutsch
10-13 November 2004,
or alternatively,
12-15 January 2005

The BaseCamp is a four-day crash course.
  This crash course provides students with a basic knowledge of management and design - skills that are essential for managers working in design companies. The BaseCamp seminar is also the introductory event to the MBA.
In addition to learning the basics of management, the seminar gives students the opportunity to refresh their English skills and to take the TOEIC English exam.
We also offer students individual career and study guidance sessions. Certificates are issued to those who complete the BaseCamp.


Seminars Info, PDF
  Zollverein School is offering the following seminars covering management and design.

Calculation and Handling Orders in the Field of Visual Communication

14 October 2004
  with Lutz Hackenberg,
Alliance of German Designers (AGD)

An introduction to the legal aspects of handling orders and preparing contracts: from calculating design services to acceptance, billing, and accounts receivable management.

Professionals: EUR 100; students EUR 50.

Professional Business Design

and Wednesday,
2–3 November 2004
  with Rachel Smart, Rachel Smart Limited, London

Working as a self-employed designer/architect: planning, establishing, developing, and managing an office/studio.
Seminar topics: creating a business plan (concept and plan calculation), presentation, monitoring, and continuation.
Professionals: EUR 150; students EUR 75.

Professional Business Design 2

Thursday and Friday, 4–5 November 2004
  Writing a Marketing Plan / Time Management

with Rachel Smart, Rachel Smart Limited, London
Seminar topics:
‘Writing a Marketing Plan’: looking at your target market; target group analysis; analysing your own potential.

‘Time Management’: Those who want to save time, must learn how to make optimum use of it: drawing up planning rules; formulating targets; learning how to set priorities.

Fees: Professionals: EUR 150; students EUR 75.

Design Law Workshop

Friday, 3 December 2004
  with Christian Klawitter, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Hamburg

An overview of the field of intellectual property rights with special emphasis on product and packaging design: seminar includes, among other things, the drafting of development and licence contracts for the successful cooperation between creative people and design-oriented companies.

Fees: EUR 100