english | deutsch
Registration   If you would like to attend one of our events, please fill out this form and send it to us. The information in the form will be used by us for internal administrative purposes only and will be treated confidentially. You will soon receive information regarding the availability of places for your chosen event, accommodation (if required, this depends on your choice) and methods of payment. The validity of your registration depends on the receipt of payment.
Advanced-Workshops [A]

Basic Workshops [B]

Coaching | PhD Programme [C]

Lecture Day [D]

First Name  
Last Name  
Participation & registration   The public workshops are designed for (young) professionals working in management, communications, marketing, architecture, design and consulting.
The number of participants is limited to 20 per course. The course language is English (possibly also German following agreement with the lecturer). Please note that selected courses are reserved for Zollverein School MBA students.
Scope   The course fees include the costs for the booked Workshop (including work materials), meals during the course times as well as participation in all events (including the “Chicks on Speed” concert). The participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation. The Website zollverein-school.de includes a list of recommended accommodation close to the Zollverein grounds.
Conditions   All Workshops require registration. You can register by fax or e-mail. Course fees must be paid upon confirmation of the registration. The course fees are due within fi ve days (payment receipt) of receipt of the confi rmation to the account given. In the event that payment is not received within this fi ve-day period, students will not be permitted to take part in the course. In such cases, there will be a penalty of 30 percent of the course fees. In the event that a student who has paid their fees is unable to take part in the course, the paid fees can only be reimbursed, if the reserved place can be fi lled by another student. In all cases, a processing fee of 30 percent will be invoiced. From July 11 onwards, reimbursements are not possible. In the event that students do not turn up to the Zollverein Summer School 2005 courses, there will be no reimbursement of course fees. There are no discounts for students.
We reserve the right – even at short notice – to cancel events in exceptional situations even after students have received registration confi rmations for courses. In all cases, we will attempt to inform you in good time of cancellations of, or changes to, the programme. In the event that we cancel an event, the course fees already paid will be reimbursed in full.
    You will have to agree to the terms and conditions to send this form!
If you cannot send this form, you can send the registration form via fax (+49 201 18 503 90), too.