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  Unique and innovative - the
Zollverein School of Management and Design in Essen (Germany)
presents its international training and research offering at
100 % Design 2005 in London (22.-25.09.2005)

The Zollverein School of Management and Design starts its international MBA-Programme Full-time and Executive in February 2006. The range of degree courses is aimed at (young) professionals form the fields of design, architecture, marketing, and communications, and managers from the fields of business, science, culture, and politics who have to make design-related decisions. The Zollverein School's courses are ideal for all managers who have to initiate and support creative processes and deal with the way companies and their products are communicated to the public. At 100% Design visitors will have the opportunity to inform themselves about the international training and research offering at
the booth of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (hall 2 / booth A 64).

The Zollverein School of Management and Design is the first research and educational institute of its kind in Europe and is situated on the Zeche Zollverein world heritage site.
A full year before moving into its own building, the Zollverein School has started offering international tuition and research programmes that link the fields of management and
design in an academic and practical manner. The Zollverein School offers full- and part-time Master's degree courses: an executive and full-time MBA course, and a Master's in 'Business Design'. The aim of these professional development and training courses is to inspire and
foster contemporary management styles and corporate strategies by closely linking management and design skills. In addition to professional development and training, research projects and coaching will be the Zollverein School's main areas of activity. Together with
the Design Park, which will be situated alongside the school, the Zollverein will grow into a
new 'creative village' where creative minds work side by side with teachers and research assistants, and where design becomes reality.

With the support of 18 designers, architects, engineers, and economists, tuition for the first year of the MBA course (Master of Business and Administration) has been underway since 24 February. The MBA course will link management and design expertise in a revolutionary new way and is aimed at future managers working in companies where design in its many facets (creation and communication) is largely responsible for the company's competitive edge. The
18-month course will also give students the skills they need to initiate and coordinate design processes in their various different areas. The academic degree (MBA) will be awarded to graduates by co-operating state-approved universities.

The application process for the Zollverein School will comprise several stages. Applicants
are required to provide evidence that they have the necessary qualifications. The course is modular in structure and divided into the strands Transformation, Strategy & Marketing, Organization & Leadership, Finance & Operations, and Basics & Methodology. In addition to
the MBA courses, the Zollverein School also arranges workshops and seminars.

The lecturers in Essen include Ed Annink, (Ontwerpwerk, Den Haag), Professor Ruedi Baur (University of Design, Zuerich), Christoph Böninger (Managing Director of designafairs GmbH, Munich), Kazujo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA, Tokyo), Dr. Franz Liebl (Witten/Herdecke University, Witten), Kay Pawlik (Managing Director of Erco Leuchten GmbH, Luedenscheid), Dr. Birger P. Priddat (Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen) and Professor Keiichi Sato, Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.

President of the Zollverein School is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralph Bruder. As the founding president
of the school, he has played a key role in shaping the school's course contents and orientation. An advisory board and an academic advisory council assist the non-profit-making company in its work. Both bodies are made up of representatives from the worlds of science, business, culture, and politics. It is the task of the advisory board to help the research and educational institute build up an international network, make proposals for the annual programme, and suggest courses and partnerships. The academic advisory council, on the other hand, advises the Zollverein School on matters relating to degree courses, forms of tuition, research activities, and co-operation. One of the principal tasks of the academic advisory council is to guarantee the academic quality of tuition and research at the Zollverein School.

The University of Duisburg-Essen, the University of Wuppertal, and the Initiativkreis Ruhrgebiet (Ruhr initiative) are all partners in the Zollverein School. The € 7 million start-up capital for the school is made up of funds from the European Union, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, and the city of Essen. From 2007, the Zollverein school will be run as a public-private partnership.

The spectacular new Zollverein School building was created by the Japanese architects
Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA). Their design was the winning entry in a special international architecture competition that was held in 2002. According to the jury, the winning entry fully reflected the complexity of the set task and had, as a Far Eastern counterpart to the austere Bauhaus style of the Zollverein, an almost poetic power. Upon seeing the model, Glenn D. Lowry, the director of the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art, New York), put it another way: the design was, he said, ›like a burst of jazz in the middle of a classical composition‹.

Dr. Katia Glaser, Zollverein School of Management and Design gGmbH
Zeche Zollverein, Bullmannaue 11, D - 45327 Essen, Germany
Phone +49 201. 18 503 20, Fax +49 201. 18 503 92, Mobile +49 163. 8543320
zollverein-school.de, [email protected]